Release Notes

VMware Management Pack Release Notes

v 25.2.4392.0

- Fixed: Empty property bags causing errors in the Operations Manager eventlog
- Fixed: Out of range exception causing errors in the Operations Manager eventlog
- Updated: ransomware MP for current best practice values

v 24.10.4370.0

- Fixed: Consecutive sample CPU monitors for Host's and VM's
- Fixed: Version number Ransomware Vulnerability Monitoring MP's

v 24.10.4361.0

- Fixed: Null reference bug for guest disk perf counters

v 24.10.4359.0

- Fixed: Updated values for security recommendations
- Added fix for missing host performance counters

v 24.6.4301.0

- Fixed: Added the class icons

v 24.6.4301.0

- Fixed: Added the class icons

v 24.6.4298.0

- Fixed: Diskgroup Capacity Used monitor -> It previously used an absolute value now it uses the correct % counter
- Change: More efficientcy changes

v 24.4.4166.0

- Changed: Compiled the collector to prefer x64 instead of x86

v 24.4.4162.0

- Fixed: Fixed console crash when a vCenter connection does not respond during license assignment refresh (null:s)

v 24.3.4159.0

- Added: Check during connection check for vCenter version (minimum version is 7.0 and higher)

v 24.3.4152.0

- Added: Logging for the configuration console
- Added: Parallelism disabled by default for the collector

v 24.2.4148.0

- Fixed: The maximum xml read depth (128) has been exceeded 

V 23.11.4107.0

- Changed: Spelling check

V 23.11.4104.0

- Changed: Disabled the Opslogix Vmware Inventory and Whitelist Check Monitor

V 23.11.4096.0

- Added: Added the possibility to disable Tags discovery
- Added: Included perfQuerySpec caching in the collector for faster and more efficient retrieval of performance counters
- Changed: Disabled Parallelism on the collector

V 23.08.4089.0

- Fixed custom resource group bug preventing the use of a custom resource group

V 23.06.3901.0

- Fixed endpoint bug for split configurations

V 23.05.3898.0

- Query for VM Tags will timeout in VM discovery instead of crashing the VM discovery

V 23.05.3890.0

- Changed: Refactored the Collector for better performance
- Changed: Refactored the Modules for better performance
- Changed: Tested to confirm compatibility with VMware 8.0

V 22.12.3336.0

- Fixed: vCenter 5.5 compatibility issues during discovering
- Fixed: Small set monitoring for the host services sometimes broke
- Fixed: Using nordic characters will give strange chars
- Fixed: The invalid license monitor was reporting incorrectly when using 1 vcenter connection with 2 MS servers in the resource pool
- Added: Ransomware Vulnerability Monitoring. See "KB: Ransomware Vulnerability Monitoring" in the online knowledge base

V 22.3.2731.0

- Fixed: vCenter 5.5 compatibility issues during discovering
- Fixed: Small set monitoring for the host services sometimes broke
- Fixed: Using nordic characters will give strange chars
- Fixed: The invalid license monitor was reporting incorrectly when using 1 vcenter connection with 2 MS servers in the resource pool
- Added: Ransomware Vulnerability Monitoring. See "KB: Ransomware Vulnerability Monitoring" in the online knowledge base

V 21.11.2612.0

- Added: Warning box when you enable the split option
- Added: In the support folder from software bundle we have added an debug management pack that will gather Opslogix related debug events when debug is enabled
- Added: We now monitor and alert when a Host is put into Standby Mode
- Added: We now monitor and alert when a Host is put into Quarantine Mode
- Added: We now monitor and alert when a Host is put into Maintenance Mode
- Added: We now put the SCOM ESX host target into/out Maintenance when the Host is put into/out Maintenance mode in vCenter. (by default disabled)
- Added: (Over)Commitment monitoring based on powered off virtual machines (by default disabled)
- Added: (Over)Commitment monitoring based on powered on virtual machines (by default disabled)
- Added: (Over)Commitment monitoring powered on and off dashboards
- Added: (Over)Commitment monitoring is now able to in/exclude specific resources used for the calculation using a regex override
- Changed: vSan monitoring is now RTM
- Fixed: When opening the VMware configuration dashboard on a small screen resolution some table rows would not be displayed
- Fixed: vCenter appliance monitoring could fail due to incorrect monitoring account. See for fix online knowledgebase: "KB: VMware Appliance Monitoring VCSA fails due to access error"
- Fixed: Using the VMware configuration console to copy text from the fields was not possible using the CTRL+C key
- Fixed: Using the number of samples override to tune monitors doesn’t result in the wanted behaviour
- Fixed: Optimized internal logging
- Fixed: The guest IP discovery of the virtual machines were only displaying the first address
- Fixed: The CPU/MEM/datastore commitment monitoring now uses a better formula to calculate the (over)commitment
- Fixed: In debug mode the encrypted password was displayed. However the password is encrypted and cannot be compromised we now also remove it from the log
- Fixed: Discovery of some virtual machines fails due to missing properties. (phantom vms)
- Fixed: The discovery for the snapshot createdtime was not sortable 
- Fixed: The appliance monitoring connection was dropped randomly
- Fixed: The virtual machine total disk capacity discovery was only taking the first disk for the calculation
- Fixed: When the Vcenter network connection was lost and SCOM executed a discovery all objects were undiscovered
- Fixed: When the Opslogix software license has expired there was no alert generated
- Fixed: When the Opslogix software license update monitor was flip-flopping
- Fixed: When the Opslogix software license is expired you couldn’t remove any vCenter connection

V 21.4.2426.0

- Added: VCSA monitoring. We now monitor the vCenter appliance state, services and CPU,MEM,Network usages
- Added: Host HBA Storage path monitoring
- Added: Extra discovery property on the virtual machine class to provide information on the datastores used by this vm
- Added: During the connection test with an incorrect FQDN you will get better error messages
- Fixed: The dashboard crashes when importing a CSV with ; as separator
- Fixed: Several other bug fixes
- Changed: NOTICE !!! >>> The license will now be attached to a version number. Please download and import a new license from the customer portal before importing this version !!

V 21.2.2280.0

- Added: UI debug logging.
- Fixed: PowerShell DevOps module several small bug fixes.
- Fixed: Administration dashboard now checks if the connection specified having a correctly naming
- Fixed: In some scenarios the Virtual machines are not discovered due to the tagging service.
- Fixed: Administration dashboard , when a resource pool is deleted but still a vCenter connection is assigned to the pool the dashboard would crash at startup.
- Fixed: Several other bug fixes.


- Added: You can now add and maintain vCenter connections/licenses by using a PowerShell module
- Fixed: When using a split connection vSAN components and VM snapshots were not correctly discovered.
- Fixed: The Opslogix license is valid monitor reports an incorrect warning state
- Fixed: The VC alert backlist csv file would be overwritten during a collector update
- Fixed: Various small spell typos
- Fixed: Guest OS monitoring was reporting the powerstate in the alert message instead of the OS guest state
- Fixed: Incorrect vSAN label on the disk group throughput performance rule
- Fixed: Incorrect vSAN performance scale for latency and throughput monitors and performance rules
- Fixed: In some scenarios the warning state of the ESX Host RAM Disk monitor was incorrect
- Fixed: Using the Alert template with target types 'Datacenter' and 'Resource Pool' will fail to save
- Fixed: The VC alarm filter was broken
- Changed: The interval for the VC alert collection rule is changed from 5 to 2 minutes
- Changed: Formatted the ESX Host RAM Disk task output
- Changed: Updated 'Learn more' urls
- Changed: NOTICE !!! >>> If you have imported the 2 vSAN management packs please remove before importing the new version

V 20.9.2060.0

- Added: Host Ram Disk monitoring
- Added: Discovery of Tagging information for Hosts and Virtual machines
- Fixed: In some scenarios the warning state of the datastore GB and PCT monitor was incorrect
- Fixed: Some typos in the alert descriptions
- Added: 'Learn More' link to the license assignment tab

V 20.7.1933.0

- Fixed: Using license assignments with vCenter connections using capitals in the name will break discovery.
- Fixed: ESX Host PNic addresses discovery.
- Fixed: Hardware processor monitor alert parameter replacement.
- Fixed: License is still valid monitor.
- Fixed: Using special chars in vCenter connection name will crash console.
- Fixed: vSan connection stability.
- Fixed: EsxHost discovery could fail if the DNS or Service tag was not supplied.
- Fixed: Scroll bar was not activated in the configuration dashboard.
- Fixed: Several typos.
- Added: Export and Import vCenter connections and License assignments to a csv file.
- Added: You can now filter connections and host assignments in the configuration dashboard.
- Added: When during the license assignment a collector agent is unreachable you will get notified.
- Added: Better SCOM task error handling used for licensing assignments.
- Added: Opslogix VMware collector uninstall SCOM task.
- Added: More debug logging to UI and Backend.

v 20.5.1891.0

- Fixed: ESX Host PNic addresses discovery
- Added: ESX Host VNic addresses discovery
- Added: ESX Host management address discovery
- Added: ESX Host Service Tag discovery
- Added: ESX Host Enclosure Serial Number Tag discovery
- Added: ESX Host Oem Specific String discovery
- Added: vSAN Monitoring including performance and monitors for Skyline , disk and diskgroups , vSAN cluster service [Beta version]
- Added: Using Squared Up ? import our VMware dashboard for free.
- Added: Better exception handling when doing connection test or Host license assignments in the Configuration dashboard
- Changed: Rewritten complete collector service backend to get even better performance and stability
- Changed: Changed name labels of the : Configuration Dashboard , VMware collector service and installation folder
- Changed: NOTICE !!! >>> We also refactored and moved the Licensing console to the Administration part in the SCOM console.
- Changed: NOTICE !!! >>> Before importing this release remove the "Opslogix IMP - Licensing UI for OpsMgr 2012" management pack.
- Changed: NOTICE !!! >>> Before importing this release remove the "Opslogix IMP - VMware Full Monitoring Groups" management pack.
- Changed: NOTICE !!! >>> After importing you will have to re assign the hosts licenses using the console ‘Opslogix VMware MP’ -> assign tab
- Changed: NOTICE !!! >>> We changed the version numbering to [Year].[Month].[BuildNr].[PatchNr] to get better release insights

v 1.3.1724.0

- Added: Scale-out feature . Now you can spread the monitoring load over more than 1 Management Server. See User Guide for more information.
- Fixed: Various small UI and backend performance improvements.

v 1.3.1679.0

- Added: You can now monitor all Hosts services at top level per host. This way you save SCOM resources and still get notified when a host service is unhealthy. Use the override smallset = true for the discovery and monitor to enable this.
- Added: Hardware storage monitoring will now include the sensors for drive faults , predictive failures , parity checks , disk array movement , rebuild states.
- Fixed: Various performance improvements in the SCOM MP modules.
- Changed: The Host network NIC monitoring will now report if the network cable is not attached or functioning.
- Changed: When updating the host license assignments using the administration console we don't refresh the console anymore. This makes the user experience better.
- Changed: NOTICE !!! >>> The network NIC monitoring is now by default disabled. Please use the enable override to activate.
- Changed: NOTICE !!! >>> Before importing this release remove the "Opslogix IMP - VMware Configuration Dashboard" management pack.
- Changed: NOTICE !!! >>> Before importing this release remove the "Opslogix IMP - VMware Full Monitoring Groups" management pack. This will reset the members in group "VMware VM Enable Full Performance Collections".

v 1.3.1652.0

- Changed: Added more logging for debugging UI config dashboard
- Changed: SCOM task executing using SDK sometimes fail to send finished event
- Changed: When a time out occurred during sending back Property Bag to SCOM we will not unload the module
- Added: Added automatic tuning of the Property Bag paging size
- Fixed: Commitment monitoring now detects hyperthreading on hosts
- Fixed: Commitment monitoring ignores hosts that are shutdown/disconnected

v 1.3.1594.0

- Fixed: The host property "Is member of cluster" could be empty
- Fixed: The VC Alert collection did not pickup alerts from non Host/VM types
- Fixed: Opening the VMware administration dashboard gives error on non-MS servers
- Fixed: Several display typos
- Fixed: When you unassign all hosts on a connection the virtual machines will not be undiscovered
- Fixed: Getting license information fails when a SCOM MS server in the SCOM resource pool is unavailable
- Fixed: The VMware collector was deployed to all members of the default SCOM VMware resource pool automatically
- Fixed: several optimizations in the licensing and collector modules
- Fixed: When the Opslogix license is not valid you still see (unmonitored) hosts and VMs discoverd.
- Fixed: When updating a existing connection the connection is shown 2 times in the table.
- Added: Extended Host properties: Dns name , Serial nr , Mac , IP , OS type , OS version number , Hardware model and Vendor
- Added: Progress bar on the VMware Administration dashboard
- Added: You can now filter the VC alerts using a blacklist to reduce noise
- Added: Guest disk free space monitors
- Added: Guest disk free space perf collection
- Added: Guest disk capacity space perf collection
- Added: Guest OS state monitoring
- Added: License monitor that will report a expired OpsLogix license
- Added: When the OpsLogix license is expired you can not add/change any connections / assignments
- Changed: The VMware SCOM Runas Profile is now deprecated
- Changed: NOTICE !!!! >>> The OpsLogix VMware Configuration Dashboard is now MOVED to the Administration Pane within the SCOM console

v 1.3.1470.0

- Added: Cluster CPU commitment monitoring
- Added: Custer Memory commitment monitoring
- Added: Cluster Disk commitment monitoring
- Added: Cluster CPU commitment performance collection
- Added: Custer Memory commitment performance collection
- Added: Cluster Disk commitment performance collection
- Added: SCOM CPU capacity commitment dashboard
- Added: SCOM Memory capacity commitment dashboard
- Added: SCOM Disk capacity commitment dashboard
- Added: Extended discovered Virtual Machine total memory MB property
- Added: Extended discovered Virtual Machine Added number of CPU property
- Added: Extended discovered Virtual Machine number of Cores per socket property
- Added: Extended discovered Virtual Machine number virtual hard disks property
- Added: Extended discovered Virtual Machine number of network cards property
- Added: Extended discovered Virtual Machine virtual disk path name property
- Added: Extended discovered Virtual Machine custom fields property
- Added: Extended discovered Virtual Machine total capacity virtual hard disks property
- Added: Extended discovered Virtual Machine annotation property
- Changed: Several management pack optimizations for better stability.
- Changed: Several collector optimizations for better stability.
- Changed: The hardware components named PCI and CPU are now deprecated. CPU is replaced by processor.
- Fixed: In some scenarioís snapshots did were not discovered.
- Added: better error messages to the VMware configuration dashboard
- Fixed: Connection test failed when using custom resource pools
- Fixed: Updated license assignments did not update all members of the resource pool.
- Fixed: In some scenarios some virtual machines did were not discovered due to powerstate.
- Added: Confirm action when deleting VMware connection.
- Fixed: Virtual machine powerstate monitoring was broken
- Fixed: Hardware status based on sensor groups (smallset=true) will see 'Unknown' as final state even when there are healthy components in the sensor group

- Fixed: When using custom SCOM resource pools the Connection test could fail.

- Added: The VMware collector will be automatically installed when you do in the Configuration Dashboard a test connection, works also for custom SCOM resource pools
- Added: Monitor datastore usage based on % and GB free. This monitor is enabled by default
- Added: Extra Virtual machine discovery properties #Cpus #NetworkCards #Memory #Annotation #Virtualdisks
- Changed: We disabled the monitor "Free space usage for the datastore as a percentage during a interval.". This one is replaced by the monitor "Free space usage for the datastore using percentage free and the GB free space during a interval."
- Changed: In some scenarios discovery data send back to SCOM is huge and results in a timeout. Now the timeout limit is set to 15 minutes instead of 6
- Fixed: In some scenarios the discovery of Hosts and VMs was broken and not all Hosts / VMs where discovered. For example, a cluster under a folder
- Fixed: Changed display strings for some monitors in the Collector Management pack
- Fixed: The Configuration Dashboard layout was not aligned
- Fixed: Datastore mount status will now also report the name of the datastore that is unmounted in the alert
- Fixed: Counter ìDatastore Highest latency millisecondî not showing data
- Fixed: Host discovery property "Parent Host And Cluster Folder Path of the Hosts" contained key word "host" and "vm" and "folder"
- Fixed: Alert parameter replacement for the Hardware Voltage monitor

- Fixed: Host services monitoring was unmonitored
- Fixed: Install collector will fail if the SCOM MS server did not had a internet connection
- Fixed: In some scenarios the collector installer was started multiple times and did not end
- Fixed: The hardware monitors provided a list of the failed overall components instead of the specific components

- Changed: The name of the 'OpsLogix Rest API' service is changed to 'OpsLogix Collector Service'
- Fixed: Hardware full discovery now returns failed hardware components parameter as list
- Fixed: For VMs that are powered down the monitoring will stop
- Changed: Hardware discovery is now super-fast
- Changed: Vmware DS/Host/VM discovery is now super-fast
- Changed: VC alert monitoring assignment now referring to target type
- Fixed: When the VC connection was down the inventory check returned an incorrect message
- Changed: Several VMware client optimizations
- Fixed: VM Snapshots where not discovered in some scenarios
- Fixed: Direct attached hosts returned a error while collecting performance data
- Fixed: Several debug messages returning incomplete messages
- Fixed: Inventory check time-outs
- Known Issue: VM created by ëLive cloningí are not discovered

- Changed: We totally reengineered the way how we collect and manage the monitoring data to gain less footprint as possible. For example, we now decoupled the VMware collector from SCOM resulting in a far better SCOM stability.
- Changed: You will now need Dot Net 4.5 on the MS/GW hosts that are doing the VMware monitoring.
- Added: For the host config status monitor the event caused this change is added to the SCOM alert message
- Fixed: The collection of the datastore IOPs performance graph was broken
- Added: For the hardware monitoring the real component causing the unhealthy overall status is added to the SCOM alert message.
- Changed: We removed all dynamic parameters from the SCOM alert messages so you can group them better
- Changed: We disabled by default, all alert generation from the state rollup monitors to generate less alerting overhead.
- Fixed: For the Host connection check monitor we fixed a state flip flop situation causing unwanted behaviors.
- Added: All alerts that are generated in VCenter will be picked up by SCOM and a corresponding SCOM alert will be generated. No authoring templates needed anymore.
- Added: You can now assign licenses to hosts (whitelisting) using the VMware administration dashboard. This way you only monitor the hosts you select.
- Added: For the Virtual Machines we now discover extra propertyís as: Machine Name , Guest OS and IP address.
- Added: We now cache data and only send data to SCOM if the state is changed. This way we lower the footprint of SCOM.

- Added (1173) : added on the VMs extra properties as guest os type , guest os name , guest host name , guest IP

- Fixed (1170) : Connection error to vSphere 6.5 or higher due to TSL security update. Be sure DOT NET 4.5 or higher is installed on the MS server.
- Changed (1163) : To minimize the Hardware monitoring we added a light HW monitoring feature (default enabled) . This will provide an overall status of the components instead of a detailed level.

- Fixed: For large environments, if the Hardware discovery generates a timeout, you can now use paging.
- Fixed: The Hardware discovery could generate a SCOM discovery crunch due to dynamic display names in VC. Notice: Due to this fix, overrides already created could become invalid. Please use the check overrides PS script to check.
- Fixed: Alert replacement failed on some of the Network, CPU and Memory hardware monitors.
- Fixed: Some alarms generated by the VC alarm monitors contained a {0} in the name.
- Added: You can now enable to upload all your VMware monitoring data to OMS Log insights, including Audit and Task logs.

- Fixed: in some situations the performance collection of VC connected Hosts/VMs could stop working.

- Changed: You have now the feature to specify the property to take for the discovery include and exclude override
- Added: Datastore Capacity performance collection
- Added: Datastore Capacity dashboard.
- Added: Host to datastore performance collection for: Highest latency
- Added: Host to datastore performance collection for: Storage I/O Control aggregated
- Added: Host to datastore performance collection for: Storage I/O Control active time
- Added: Host to datastore performance collection for: Storage I/O Control normalized latency
- Added: Host to datastore performance collection for: Storage I/O Control datastore maximum queue depth
- Added: New generic Matrix and Top n Reports. Generic usable for every performance counter in SCOM.
- Added: Linked report : VMware Datacenter Availability
- Added: Linked report : VMware Datastore Availability
- Added: Linked report : VMware Datastore Usage Matrix
- Added: Linked report : VMware Host CPU and Memory Usage Matrix
- Added: Linked report : VMware Host CPU and Memory Usage TopN
- Added: Linked report : VMware VM CPU and Memory Usage Matrix
- Added: Linked report : VMware VM CPU and Memory Usage TopN

- Fixed: The Snapshot Age monitor fails due to incorrect region settings if not set to US.
- Fixed: The License monitor becomes in a critical unhealthy state if you have used 100% of your licenses.
- Fixed: In the UI when a connection test is done, the first server of the pool is taken instead of the first healthy one.
- Fixed: When a datastore is set inactive in VC the datastore monitor workflows will fail.

- Changed: Optimized all modules for being able to handle more loads.
- Fixed: Using GW as SCOM resource pool members to monitor VMware could result in a unresponsive resource pool.
- Fixed: In some situations Hardware monitoring stalls and reports an error to the event log.
- Fixed: Typo in the CPU usage VM and host monitors.
- Fixed: Incorrect last value shown in alert messages from some monitors.
- Fixed: When adding a new VC connection the incorrect server is used to do the connection check.
- Fixed: Undiscovery of a switch can in some situations not be processed.
- Changed: Added detailed error message for the connection check monitor.

- Changed: All the discoveryís will now have a include and exclude property.
- Fixed: Using SCOM resource pooling in combination with SCOM gateways can result in an unresponsive resource pool.
- Fixed: Trying to add a new instance will fail if the license monitor is in warning or uninitialized state.

- Fixed: Typo in the VM and host discovery product knowledge.
- Fixed: If you consume exactly 100% of the socket count the License monitor will be critical instead of in warning state.
- Changed: The time out of the hardware discovery changed from 5 minutes to 10 minutes.

- Changed: The Processor Cache will now be discovered and shown as memory objects.
- Fixed: The CPU unit will now be discovered and shown as processor objects
- Fixed: In some cases when all alerts in VC are cleared the corresponding SCOM monitors will not be set to healthy.
- Added: License monitoring. When the license is not compliant you will get notified.
- Added: VM Cpu Wait time Monitor (disabled by default)
- Added: VM Memory Ballooning Monitor (disabled by default)

- Fixed: The snapshot age monitor can fail due to region comma separator conversion.
- Fixed: Some display descriptions of some monitor modules.

- Added: Discovery of the VirtualMachine Snapshots and the properties
- Added: Monitor to alert when a VM snapshot age has hit a threshold
- Added: Monitor to alert when a VirtualMachine is powered off
- Added: Extra Datastore and VirtualMachine dashboards
- Added: Performance Collection of Datastore latency
- Added: Performance Collection of Network and Disk usage
- Added: Monitors for Network , Disk and Datastore usage
- Added: Monitor for VM Tools version number. Generates an alert when version not matched.
- Added: For most monitors you can now configure by override an sample count. The monitor will only generate a alert after x sample times the threshold is hit. (Default value = 1).
- Changed: All discoveries have now a include exclude property. You can specify using a Regex what to include and exclude.
- Changed: Optimized all native monitor modules to have less footprint.
- Fixed: In some situations undiscovering VMware objects was not occurring.

- Added Distributed Virtual Switch discovery and monitoring.
- Added ESX Host Services discovery and monitoring.
- Updated the layout of the licensing dashboard.

- Optimized the Hardware Discovery and Monitoring.
- Added extra discovered properties to the connection instance.
- Added a CPU wait and Readyness Monitor.
- Added SCOM Group to contain all single ESX servers that can be used for overrides.
- Fixed Bug for monitor vmware tools status , incorrect status when machine is turned off.
- Fixed Bug when a vcenter is down during the discovery, SCOM will undiscover the vcenter.
- Fixed Bug the VMware MP templates dont work against all targets you can select.
- Changed max username and password length from 20 to 255 in the configuration dashboard.

- Optimized the VMware modules to take less cpu/mem resources
- Most of the performance collections for Virtual Machines are disabled by default. You can enable it with an override
- Performance collections for Virtual Machines are set to 15min interval
- Performance monitoring for Virtual Machines and ESX Hosts are set to 5 min interval
- Added Virtual Machine Snapshot count monitoring as running level and total count
- Added property to see what snapshot is currently used for the Virtual Machine
- Added the location path of the Host and Virtual Machine , now you can see for example on what host a Virtual Machine is currently running.
- Removed the overall status of a datacenter based on the VMware api. Now added a rollup based on the availability status.
- Added availability , configuration , performance , security rollups for the datacenter.
- Added VMware tools status monitoring.
- Optimized the connections/session to the Vcenter or hosts to read out the monitoring data.
- Updated the layout of the configuration dashboard.
- Added an extra log features to debug the management pack by using special registry keys.
- The password is now always stored as FIPS. In environments without FIPS it will fall back to NON-FIPS.
- Updated installation guide with new UI screenshots.

- Fixed typo in VM CPU monitoring alert.

- Added More Performance collections
- Changed VMWare performance modules
- optimized vmware SDK session usage
- added hardware monitoring
- added direct attached esx host
- added direct monitoring not based on alerts in Vcenter.

- Fixed Status monitors for Nework and Datastore objects

- Password is no longer a property in clear text. Password is encrypted

- Added a Monitor for vCenter Connection
- Ability to Monitor multiple datacenters
- Bug fix for OverallStatus Monitor does not initialize for Datastores
- Bug fix for OverallStatus Monitor does not initialize for Networks

- Added the license model - The management pack now cannot function without a license key.
- Overall status Network monitor placed under the "Availability" RollUp monitor.
- Overall status Datastore monitor placed under the "Availability" RollUp monitor.
- A vCenter server can now only be added after a successful connection test.
- The password used to connect to vCenter can be updated in SCOM if the password is changed for the monitoring account.

- Fixed issue where the same ESX server is discovered for each datacenter.

- Added performance counter for ESX Host CPU usage
- Added performance counter for ESX Host Memory usage
- Added performance counter for Virtual Machine CPU usage
- Added performance counter for Virtual Machine Memory usage
- Added performance counter for Virtual Machine Disk Reads (MPps) usage
- Added performance counter for Virtual Machine Disk Writes (MPps) usage
- Added performance counter for Virtual Machine Disk Utility (MPps) usage
- Revised alert caching for better efficiency
- Added the possibility to override the time interval for discoveries
- Added the possibility to override the sync for discoveries

- Modules update for reducing logon/logoff traffic on vCenter server.
- Fix auto reconnect when connection is dropped to vCenter by module

- All monitors and alert rules are performance optimized by making use of module cookdown
- Caching for monitors and alert rules is replaced by module cookdown
- Bug in configuration dashboard that falsely states that the licence is expired is fixed
- Datastore Free GB performance rule is added
- Datastore Used GB performance rule is added
- Datastore Percent Free GB performance rule is added
- Datastore Percent Used GB performance rule is added
- Performance rules for ESX servers are disabled by default
- Performance rules for Virtual Machines are disabled by default
- The class model has been changed in order to be compatible with the System Center Service Manager connector
- A discovery has been added for the Asset Tag attribute on the ESX Host Class
- All Performance counters have been optimized by using module cookdown
- Fixed bug where ESX Host counters do not show
- Added All Datastores goup for dashboards
- Disabled diagnostic logging in normal operating mode
- Added display names to some of the rules
- Added monitors for all alarms in VMware vCenter
- Added multiple rules for ESX hosts and VMs
- Added the capability to use different resource pools in scom
- Corrected the percentage issue where a percentage was out of a 1000 instead of 100
- Added the capability to create custom monitors by using templates

- Fixed bugs in the capability to use different resource pools in scom

- Fixed bug for resource pool discovery events in eventlog
- Fixed Hardware discovery 10000 event (long running discovery)
- Fixed bug that causes all monitors to turn healthy when an additional vcenter is added to monitoring.

- Added additional debugging to the monitoring modules.

- Fixed bug related to the exceptions thrown in the VMWare MP modules.
- Fixed some bug issues releated to the single quote on the value names.

- Added additional function to bypass the connection test button

- Single EsxHost monitored
- Fixed bugs releated to the performance counters
- Fix bug releated to the connections to VMware
- Added new dashboards
- Added new monitors
- Added new status of the components
- License already set when you add a new connection to the dashboard