If the Ping IMP Configuration Dashboard crashes unexpectedly, this might be due to a "blank ping target" entry in the OpsMgrDB database.
The “blank ping target” is caused by a bug in the csv import function of the Ping IMP Configuration Dashboard, when you leave a blank line (carriage return) at the end of the csv file. The easiest way to resolve this issue is to export the targets and remove the ping hosts to which the “blank ping target” was added. Wait for an hour or so and re-add the ping host and import the ping targets, making sure you leave no blank line (carriage return) at the end of the csv file.
If you do not want to remove the ping host, an unsupported way of removing the “blank ping target” is by using the SQL statements shown below on the OpsMgr database.
CAUTION: As always make sure you have a current backup of your OpsMgrDB database. Because the method of deleting instances directly from the OpsMgrDB database is not supported by Microsoft, we cannot be held responsible for any damage that might occur as a result of running the SQL statements.
The sql statements below are an adaptation of the SQL statement from the blog post: http://basementjack.com/uncategorized/remove-stubbornstuck-computer-objects-from-ms-scom/
First check if there are any blank entries for the source host name by running the following sql statement:
Select * from basemanagedentity where Path
like ‘<Source Host name>%’
and Name is null
and DisplayName = ” -
Then if you are sure you have the correct instance (source host) run the following:
Update BaseManagedEntity Set Isdeleted=1 where Path
like ‘<Source Host name>%’
and Name is null
and DisplayName = ”
After the SQL statements are run, the “blank ping target” should no longer exist in the Ping IMP Configuration Dashboard.