SCOM Authoring: How to use the module System.ExpressionFilter
by Jonas Lenntun, on Apr 27, 2023 9:12:00 AM
System Center Operations Manager, SCOM, is a powerful tool for monitoring IT infrastructure, but sometimes the default monitoring criteria are not optimal to fit your specific needs. That is where the System.ExpressionFilter module comes in - it allows developers to create customized monitoring criteria tailored to fit the requirements of their particular organization.
How System.ExpressionFilter works
System.ExpressionFilter is a SCOM module that provides developers with tools to customize monitoring criteria. The module evaluates incoming data and compares it to defined criteria, making it possible to create tailored monitoring solutions that filter out irrelevant data and trigger alerts only when certain conditions are met.
Customizing your monitoring criteria can be useful for:
- Creating specific conditions for triggering alerts
- Filtering out data that doesn't meet specific criteria
- Creating more precise and tailored monitoring solutions.
Creating the configuration
To create a System.ExpressionFilter configuration, developers need to specify an expression, property name, comparison operator, and a value to compare the property against. You set the property name and value you find appropriate and chose between different options for expression types and comparison operators depending on your desired outcome.
With this module, there is also the ability to add additional properties, which are supplementary criteria you can add in order to fine-tune the monitoring solution even further.
Do you want to learn more about how to configure your System.ExpressionFilter? Click the button below to access the complete reference of the module!